Sunday, 20 October 2013

Italy part 2

I seem to have had no time at all to read blogs or update mine....not sure why I have been so busy but there it is. Here are a few more photo's from our trip to Italy. Hopefully over the next week I will be able to catch up on reading some of your posts and also get into some sewing etc. 
While away I made some sales in my pottery etsy shop and and one on my new rebranded children's products. I have also had a custom order for two Liberty bibs! 


  1. Sounds like being busy is paying off.
    Lovely pictures xxx

  2. So nice stopping by to see these lovely photos! I am way behind in blogging too. Crazy busy here lately :)

  3. What a lovely part of the country! I too, am way behind in so many areas. I can relate to you. Thanks for sharing every picture.

  4. I have had a busy time of it too. It must be the changing seasons and all the work that comes with it. I love your photos of the Italian washing hanging outside. It is so classic. Take care. xx
