Saturday, 2 March 2013

miss maggie rabbit

I am so glad that I ordered one of these kits last night because today when I went to the website I discovered this

They were obviously flying off the shelves, I saw these rabbits on Alicia's blog some time ago, I asked her if she was going to sell the pattern. Last night I saw that she was selling both the pattern and the kit, I chose which kit I wanted...colour of dress and wool etc....on my husbands laptop then went up to my study to order from my laptop and found the colour I wanted was sold already and so chose a different colour, placed my order...phew...and now they have all sold! Amazing!


  1. I can totally understand why they all sold. What a cute "miss maggie rabbit"!

  2. Totally adorable and that cape is precious.

  3. That rabbit is absolutely lovely! I love her dress! /niki

  4. Surely not so very amazing, they are adorable! (I am so envious of Alicia's talent.)

    Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog :)
