Wednesday, 5 December 2012

book lights

We bought the twins these little book lamps for their birthday...I have one on my kindle (without the princess)
This is what their mother found when she peeped in on them.
Clearly a good gift!


  1. Perfect and adorable. Reminds me when my daughter was 2 and loved books. We couldn't find her one eve. She was sitting in her closet with her tub of books, in the dark!

  2. so sweet. The photo looks like one that should be framed or an illustration in a book :)

  3. So nice to see children who read! What a perfect gift - I could have used one of those when my sister was yelling at me to turn off the light!

  4. I bet it was well past their bedtime though!

  5. I absolutely adore this photo - it is quite priceless. I too have a book light which came in handy on my travels.
