Monday, 22 October 2012

some of my grandchildren....

The children met up with friends at a local museum, they got to wear bee costumes and pull along bags with items in that they may need for their visit. Gilby wasn't keen on the costume but....
he did enjoy pulling the bag along

 Yesterday Daddy turned 36...we love you Andy!
So he built a fire, they toasted marshmallows and had a story out on the deck....I would have enjoyed that. Maybe when they are up to visit next week we could do this in our garden?


  1. Oh, my, how they must melt your heart! Cute as can.... bee! :)

  2. How cute is that?

    An outdoor birthday celebration around the fire sounds perfect.

  3. So precious! I can't imagine how much fun they must have thought it all to be, even little Gilby:)
