Saturday, 24 March 2012

Wedding Quilt

My old school friend (we have known each other for over 40 years)is getting married in July so I have been mulling over in my mind what style quilt I should make for her. I kept thinking I would like to use just basic squares, knowing this would be quite simple and therefore quick to make but was wondering is this really just a bit boring? However, I just kept coming back to the thought that actually I really like basic squared quilts. I have a lot of Liberty squares that I am going to make into a quilt for myself...who knows when?
So I searched Amy Butler squared fabric and came across this beautiful quilt on
So now I know what I am going to make for my friend, I am going to buy ready cut Amy Butler squares from her 'Love' range...perfect!


  1. Squares are beautiful - I love the unfussiness (?) of them. Have you seen Jane Brockett's Gentle Art of Quiltmaking book? Perfect.

  2. I love this quilt too - this range of fabric is so pretty and has so many colours that it is bound to fit in anywhere. Looking forward to seeing it. xx

  3. It will be so sweet in the LOVE squares. A heartfelt gift for your long time friend!

  4. Wonderful idea - I'm working on 2 very special wedding quilts, too. Can't share until we gift them, but lots of fun!

  5. I know about Amy Butler fabrics from my sister-in-law, and I know how beautiful they are. Your friend will be soooooo blessed. A homemade quilt is the most special gift!
