Friday, 30 March 2012

Projects on the Go

I have a number of projects on the go at the moment. Some crochet baby blankets and this quilt which has been ongoing for a few years...something else always gets in the way, but I ma now hand quilting it and then it will just need the binding attached...this quilt is for me:)
The fabric arrived from for my friends wedding quilt...I am really pleased with it and also my printed labels to sew on finished projects. Cant wait to get started on the quilt!


  1. Looking forward to seeing the Amy Butler quilt so much. Nice labels x

  2. Oh, what a nice quilt to cuddle under! The fabric looks fantastic, and those labels will be so handy!

  3. Recognized the A.B. stuff - looking forward to quilt. Lovely labels

  4. I feel happy when I can see more of your creations. This quilt will look so good and I can't wait to see the finished product. You are so gifted!
