Thursday, 8 March 2012


Below are some photo's that my daughter took on one of her recent visits to the homeless shelter that she helps at in Durban. Her and her friend from church go each week, when they can, they take a team people of people with them. They find out the needs of the people living in the shelter. On this visit they had taken clothes for the children. Sometimes they make arrangements to go and pick up those who need to have HIV tests or other medical treatment. At the moment they are trying to sort out rehab for one young lady who is addicted to cocaine. They take the love of Jesus to these beautiful people who have been so badly wronged by family and/or society. Please pray for them and the people they are seeking to help.

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  1. But they are all so smiley! Good work xxx

  2. I love your page these days. Nice layout. Mind sharing what you used to design. I'm in need of an overhaul.

  3. What wonderful work they are doing there! Bless all of them.

  4. Sad stories of such smiley and beautiful people. xx

  5. I am so grateful for the love, care, and concern that God has given your daughter for these truly beautiful people. My heart hurts this morning as I see their precious faces and know the pain that must be behind their smiles. I appreciate that you shared their faces with us. It makes it easier to pray for her and for them.
