Friday, 22 July 2011

More Jam

At last school is finished for the summer. This week has been pretty hectic, we are due to go to New Wine Bible camp tomorrow, then my mother in law had a fall and has become quite unwell while visiting her family in Ireland so my husband flew out early this morning to bring her back to Cornwall tomorrow night. So this leaves me to tow the camping trailer which I have never done before. Thankfully I have a couple of friends travelling with me. When my mother in law has been settled into a hospital he will then join me. We are really hoping for a time of refreshing, relaxation and most of all meeting with God.
Last week a friend and I went fruit picking and I made some more jam, I love berries!


  1. Awh... love the berries! I only make freezer jam. Yours looks lovely in process!

  2. By now hopefully you are settled in at camp, and driving with the camper behind, worked well for you. I wish you a very special week at the camp, and that you come home feeling so refreshed. Sorry to hear about your Mother-in-law's fall. Some phone calls can change everything.

  3. I had to check and see what post I missed as you wrote about your MIL being back home. I am so sorry to read this. I do hope that she will improve now that she is closer to being home again.

    Those berries look delicious!!!!
