Sunday, 26 June 2011


Well the Ercol day bed has progressed from the garage to the utility room, a little more of the dark varnish has been rubbed off and I have a magazine picture on my notice board to give me hope as to whet it will look like...soon. (not with red covers thought) The little Ercol coffee table below was dark wood until this week and it has now been rubbed down and waxed and is looking pretty good, it goes nicely with our larger Ercol coffee tableFor those who don't know of Ercol furniture this is taken from the website and we have been  collecting old pieces of this furniture to renovate, for a number of years now.

'In 1920 a young designer called Lucian Ercolani started his own business in High Wycombe, the chairmaking capital of England. Here he perfected the technique of steam-bending wood in large quantities to form the famous Windsor Bow, and discovered how to 'tame' elm; a beautifully grained hardwood other furniture makers considered impossible to work with.
Design and people were the cornerstones of his company. This remains true of the family owned private company that continues his beliefs in the 21st century.'


  1. Oh fantastic news - the table is beautiful x

  2. Wow!!! That table looks gorgeous.

  3. This is something new to me, thank you for the explanation of the furniture. Looks lovely!
