Thursday, 17 February 2011


Off to Devon at lunch time for half term
we will be busy.......

 Will definitely go to the beach....


 will probably go to the farm.....

and really hoping to go and see "Ogi the Bear"!!


  1. Have a great time - such sweet photos. Was just looking at that quilt in your last post - BEAUTIFUL!

  2. Have a lovely half term - you have all the fun and the 'perk' of coming back home for a 'rest', soooo lucky!

  3. I am thankful to be back on your blog. Congratulations on the birth of your new (big) grandson. I can't believe he weighed 11 pounds. What a cute baby he is! I am sure his sisters are thrilled. The quilt you made for him is a masterpiece. I really like the tag you sewed on it.

    Hope you have a good trip, and hope you take some pictures.
