A couple of weeks ago I posted a picture of a little coat I made from some left over fabric from the twins dresses. I knew that the hood would probably be a little short but I didn't have enough fabric to make it bigger. Anyway the coat fits but the hood isn't quite big enough to wear it up comfortably so I am going to make two bigger coats that will last until next winter. I bought some chocolate brown cord and will line the body with fleece. I mentioned in my last 'London' post that I had bought some fabric and buttons from Liberty and I am using the fabric to line the hoods and putting three odd buttons on each coat, using pink velvet ribbon hoops on one coat and turquoise on the other . No sooner have I a new project on the go, I have more requests coming in...apparently my grandsons are really enjoying the 'Where the Wild Things Are' story book and would like a 'Max' costume each!
Great fabrics...fun buttons! I'm looking forward to seeing the finished projects.