Tuesday, 6 October 2009

This coming week end we are off for our church 'Week End Away' we go to stay at a Christian conference centre about 2hours away and they don't allow dogs to visit. This tme last year we had just moved here for my husband to take up the pastors job. Our youngest son got married just before we moved and we suddenly realised that we had no one to look after out dear old dog Daisy. She had never been in kennels and was nearly 16 years old so we wouldnt leave her with someone who didnt know her. So...we snuck her into the centre, thankfully she was so old not many people realised she was there. Well today as I have been preparing all the administration for the weekend I received this photo by email from one of those few who did know Daisy had come along. It was a lovely surprise especially as we had had Daisy put to sleep a few months back, she had come to that time in her life that everything was a struggle and her main organs were giving up. We have many happy family memories of Daisy.


  1. What a precious dog Daisy was! I know you were so glad to see that picture. Have a great time on your trip.

  2. What a sad post, but a very good picture of the three of you. Hope you have a real nice trip.
