I have just taken a brief break from the Wedding Quilt to make this little Baby Quilt. A young couple from church are expecting their first baby and there is a baby shower planned next month. I really enjoy making quilts for babies, they are easy to handle and quick to finish. Now back to the Wedding Quilt!
I love it mum! welldone!
What a major accomplishment. That must have taken so much time to make. A very fortunate mother and baby.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment. It is nice to be encouraged by someone who has walked ahead of me down this path. I am delighted to see the plans God has for my children's life. You must be one busy lady with your wonderful family and church family. Amazing that you are making quilts for gifts. I am inspired. I could do one for baby Avey. My daughter was just talking about doing something special for number two!
another quilter to inspire me!
not that i quilt, but i am a wannabe.......
thankyou for you kind comment, i am so glad that easter is special for you too!
I am a 'quilter wannabe' as well...for the most part. Great job...and what a treasure for the new baby.
What a charming quilt. so cuddly
I love this little quilt, especially the heart shape quilting!
Just checking in to say "hi". Hope you are doing well. Miss you!!
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