Friday, 27 February 2009

Moving House

We have just returned from a week in Devon helping A and A and the twins move house. They have moved a little inland but are still only 3 miles from the sea. It was a pretty hectic time, the girls were great and settled into their new home well, although they both came down with a virus and were unwell for a few days. Thankfully they picked up and we were able to take a trip out for lunch at Occombe Farm. The new house is far more practical than the old one with a lovely deck over looking the valley with lots of trees around which makes up for losing the sea views which they had before. So we pray that they will be happy and blessed in their new home
Grandma's supposed to be packing toys in these boxes
We've found the tummy buttons!
Each morning Primrose would give our old dog, Daisy, a book or toy to play with
Maggie unpacking the nappies
On the beach at Bigbury on Sea
Looking in the rock pools with Mummy

On the trailer at Occombe Farm

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha!!!! those girls are something else! I cant wait to come over and see them.
