For Christmas a couple of years back my daughter bought me this Merchant & Mills pattern, in the past when I have bought their patterns online they have arrived in a cardboard tube and the pattern pieces are made of card, you can read of my previous M & M patterns here
The designs are beautiful and their shop and website sell fantastic fabrics and haberdashery items.
For Mother's Day my daughter gave me a voucher for Cloth House, a really quaint fabric shop in London, where I bought this spotty Indian fabric to make the top.
I know I have made a mistake around the neck as my interfacing was too short so I added a bit in and although the neck is wider than it should be, it looks ok and I'm really pleased with the result.
Next time I will buy some thicker fabric and make a shirt for the winter, hopefully I will get it right then!
I have found a really helpful blog on they have made this same pattern and have written a review on it and now I know I have to figure out the sleeve part of the pattern correctly to get the neck right :)