Since moving house back in September I have been working alongside my husband, for the church and also helping the church set up a children's centre. I have not picked up my secular work which is teaching pre-school children, including those with special needs.
Last week I saw a job advertised which I would have loved but I really wasn't sure if I should apply for it or not, I thought about the pro's and con's, figuring out if I could fit it into my week. I prayed about it for a couple of days, still not coming to a conclusion so I asked my husband to come with me and drive out to look at where the school was. I asked God to make it clear by the time we got there if I was to apply or not....well by the time we reached the building I knew in my heart that this was not the time to apply and I came home satisfied that God had spoken.
I would have been VERY busy had I taken the job and certainly not have been able to do all my tasks to the best of my ability. Joyce says in her book "each of us has an allotted amount of time and energy and we should manage it in such a way that we bear the most fruit we can."